

Toyama Coloring Co.,Ltd contributes to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society that can maintain optimum production, optimum consumption and minimal disposal by actyvely working on environmental management considering reduction of environmental load including resource saving, energy saving and waste reduction through routine production, sales and marketing and delivery.

  1. 業務活動が環境に与える環境負荷を把握・評価し、環境目的・目標を定め、継続的に環境負荷の低減に努める。
  2. 環境関連法規・条例およびその他の規制要求事項を遵守し、さらにできる限り高い自主基準を設定しその達成に努める。
  3. 全員参加による環境経営システムの構築と実施、およびシステムの継続的改善に努める。
  4. 日常業務や会議を通じて、環境方針・環境経営システムの周知徹底を図り、全社員に環境意識の向上を図る。
  5. 全員参加による省資源・省エネルギー、廃棄物の削減、リサイクルに努める。
  6. この環境方針は、ホームページ等を通じて社内外に公開する。
  1. Understand and estimate the envionmental load that our operational activities place on the environment, deternine environmental targets and goals, and make a continual effort to reduce that environmental load.
  2. In addition to observingenvironmental and other important regulations and ordinances, set voluntary standards as high as possible and make an all-out effort to achieve them.
  3. With the input and cooperation of sech and every enplovee, establish and implement an environmental system, and make a continual effort to improve the system.
  4. Make every sffort to commumicate the environmental policy and managament system in meetings and suring dairing daily operations, and work hard improve the environmental awareness of all employees.
  5. Exart maximum sffort to save to natural resource, consserve energy, reduce waste and recycle.
  6. Communicate this environmental policy in and outside of the company throuth wensite and other means.

